Daily archives: 02/07/2021

2 posts

July News

Such a lot has happened this past month. We have designed two outdoor kitchens to swimming pools, one submitted for planning and one in the pipeline.  This is surely a sign that staycations are becoming the preferred way of relaxing and socialising. Many new enquiries have been generated through the website, our colleagues in GTH and also from existing clients so we are as busy as ever.  The most rewarding community project we are currently preparing for planning is the installation of solar car ports for Bridport Town Council as part of their commitment to the Climate Change Emergency.  We […]

Weekly Blog – 27

My first week at Angel Architecture was a very busy one, but the collaborative nature of the office environment made the work both manageable and rewarding. A midweek informal lunch in Honiton was also an enjoyable way to spend time out of the office.  There have been lots of developments to the many on-going projects and final amendments were made to a planning application for a listed property in Wellington, just in time for the arrival of the clients first child.   Numerous site visits were undertaken in Bridport and beyond, including a newly appointed project in Combe Raleigh; the 17th century, […]